Monday, May 21, 2007

David Freakin Wright

For reasons unbeknownst to me, I Googled "David+ Wright+ Slump" and stumbled across this right here. I love D. Wright and everything, but I thought I was the only one feeling this way. Guess not:

"Though that will inevitably improve, his performance currently doesn't warrant the puke-fest that is David Wright's image or all those activities devoted toward painting it. If I see him on another morning tv show, MTV, some magazine cover/article, video game, or PR for image charity event, I might as well start rooting for Jeter. At least he has rings to accompany his lameness. Until Wright surpasses Spike Owen in HR totals for 2007, I don't want to see his plastic smile again.

I have no problem as a fan rooting for him; he's homebread and a good talent; that part is appreciated. But could we just chill a little bit with being Mr. America for a little while, at least until you start producing on the field? Its a shame to see a talent not reach potential because of a loss of focus."

And I totally concur.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you weren't the only one. you should've seen the hand-wringing that went on in new york, with the booing and the "no we shouldn't be booing he's OUR PRINCE!" it was more like "we're going to show our displeasure but really we love you just let us love you more!"

as for me, eh. i knew he was slumping and that he'd break out sooner or later. lo and behold, the month of may. and he's currently the only met who can hit the damn ball. guh.