Wednesday, October 24, 2007

No Time To Bask

So, as of Sunday night, the Red Sox....are going to the World Series! I have no time to bask in this joy though, for reasons I really can't mention right now (other than school work and things). But, I'll be able to talk about it next week, for those of you who care (annnnnd that would be no one!). Anyway, yeah. So the Sox beat the Indians in 7 games, man. It was tough watching that game at first, but then I started making food and I wasn't really paying attention until my roommate started getting upset. I suppose she and her boyfriend are either both Indians fans, or they just felt like rooting against Boston. Either way, serves them right :) Everyone from here to Timbuktu knows I'm a die-hard Sox fan, but I was quite reserved as I saw the game come to a close. I did call my parents and some friends who could've cared less, and I did shed a little tear, but other than that...nada. Don't have time for celebrations, dawg. I have an extremely difficult paper due Monday on Emile Durkheim or something, I think I have an Italian test this Friday (maybe I should find that out?), UNC's Homecoming is next week (and guess who's on the staff?), and my 21st birthday is next Saturday. I'm broke as hell. Scratch that. I'm broke down in general. My life is in shambles. My job sucks. I know it'll get better, and hopefully it'll start with the Sox winning Game 1 of the Series tonight...if there is a game.

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